Nano Enhanced Backpacks

Available from 5 -20 grams
Suitable animals: birds, bats and other tiny mammals
Smallest GPS, still Feature Rich
- Tiny GPS – your smallest GPS device choice from 5 grams total weight
- Less impact on wild animals
- You get the packaging you need, we build the GPS device specifically for your work
Extend Battery Life & Increase GPS Success
- Increase battery life – SMART GPS is standard even in this tiny GPS
- Built in sensor helps you help yourself
- Increase GPS acquisition success – SMART GPS prevents attempts when appropriate
We are your Support System
- Achieve your Goals – Use our free customer support available 365 days per year
- Your equipment is thoroughly tested. Learn more here
- 1 Yr Warranty Backup
GPS Data is Easier to Recover
- Long Range Data Transmission
- 12 – month warranty backs you up
- Multiple Data Recovery Choices – Drone with base station is just one
Biologists Rule! You are in the driver’s seat
- You’re free to change your mind – Remotely change GPS schedule in the field
- Maximize Your GPS Accuracy – Set GPS Additional Time accordingly
- Add More Tracking – A tiny GPS with a tiny transmitter
Save Money on your GPS Equipment
- Make your supervisor happy by saving money
- Get the most bang for your buck – there are many price points available
- Reuse over and over or replace your own batteries