Field Tested GPS
Field tested GPS for a wide variety of species
This page will give you an idea of field tested GPS on various species all over the world. Although these are just examples of some of the species for which we have made GPS. The GPS devices were delivered to our customers and used in the field. Hence the name field tested GPS.
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Small Mammals
- American Marten
- Banded Hare-Wallaby
- Banded Mongoose
- Bandicoot
- Bat
- Beaver
- Bettong / Rat Kangaroo
- Bridled nailtail wallaby
- Brown Hare
- Brown Woolly Monkey
- Brush-tailed possum
- Burrowing Bettong
- Bush Dog
- Chinchilla
- Chinese Ferret Badger
- Civet
- Cottontail Rabbit
- Crab-eating Macaque
- Crab-Eating Mongoose
- Deer fawn
- Eastern Cottontail
- Eastern Quoll
- Eurasian badgers
- European Rabbit
- Feral Cat
- Fisher
- Flying Fox
- Fruit Bat
- Ghost bat
- Ground Cuscus / Possum
- Hare
- Honey Bear / Kinkajou / Potos Flavus
- Island Fox
- Japanese Leopard Cat
- Kit Fox
- Ledbetter Possum
- Marten
- Mongoose
- Mountain Hare
- Northern Quoll
- Norway Rat
- Nuttalls Cottontail
- Possum
- Prairie Dog
- Pronghorn fawn
- Pygmy Rabbit
- Quokka
- Quoll
- Rabbit
- Raccoon
- Ringtail
- Rock Hyrax
- Rufous hare wallaby
- Scaly-Tailed Possum
- Skunk
- Snowshoe Hare
- Spotted-tailed Quoll
- Squirrel
- Swamp Wallaby
- Tasmanian Devil
- Utah Prairie Dog
- Variegated squirrel
- Wallaby
- Weasel
- American Crow
- Barred Owl
- Blankinston’s Owl
- Brown Skua
- California Condor
- Capercaille
- Caspian tern
- Condor
- Cormorant
- Emu
- Ferruginous Hawk
- Golden Eagle
- Goose
- Goshawk
- Hawaiian Crow
- Hawaiian Moorhen
- Hawk
- Hieraaetus pennatus
- Japanese Crane
- Juvenile White-tailed Eagle
- Oilbird
- Owl
- Pelican
- Petrels
- Pheasant
- Prairie Chicken
- Quail
- Raven
- Sage Grouse
- Sharp-tailed Grouse
- Shearwater
- Turkey
- White-fronted Goose
- White-tailed Eagle
- White-tailed Tropicbird
- Willow Ptarmigan
- Alligator
- Black and White Tegu
- Blandings Turtle
- Bullsnake
- Caiman
- Crocodile
- Cyclura Iguana
- Dugite Snake
- Eastern Box Turtle
- Frog
- Goanna
- Growling Grass Frogs
- Lizards
- Monitor Lizard
- Pangolin
- Pond Turtle
- Pseudemys Gorzugi
- Python
- River Turtle
- Skink
- Snakes
- Spotted Turtle
- Stout Iguana
- Tegu
- Tortoise
- Western Painted Turtle
- Western Pond Turtles
- Wood Turtle