Patagial GPS for Condor
With solar power and automatic data download
Because the condor is restricted to primarily gliding and weighs an astonishing 13kg, the weight of an avian GPS tracking device is extremely important. As a result, Telemetry Solutions has made an exceptionally lightweight and low profile solar powered patagial GPS tag that weighs 47grams. The weight of our bird GPS data logger will not compromise the flight and hunting patterns of the condor which in return will give better and more accurate results.
Our GPS devices for birds offer an array of options for you to choose from such as an activity data logger, automatic and remote data download. We test all of our patagial GPS tags in an environmental chamber to ensure reliability in the field. These units are put under punishing temperatures ranges from -40C. to 40C. Any units with marginal performance are discarded.
Not only do we pride ourselves on our equipment, we believe that our staff is the best in the business. We have a knowledgeable sales team that will suggest the perfect patagial GPS data logger for you and we have a highly experienced customer support team that will assist you with the technical aspects of learning how to use the product after delivery. We will answer all of your inquiries within 1 business day.
GPS for Condor-How it works
There are two components to the data transmission system. First, there is the transceiver in the patagial tag. This device can both send and receive information. The most interesting data that it sends is the GPS data in the memory. The other component to the system is called a base station. The base station is also a transceiver which operates on the same frequency as the transceiver in the patagial tag. The base station can be controlled manually by a human or it can be set up to run automatically in the field without you.
Each patagial tag has a unique address that is used to identify it. If you want data from bird X you just input the address for that bird into the base station and press “fast download” on the laptop controlling that base station. Fast download sends out a signal to the patagial tag. The tag is waking up every 30 seconds looking for that signal. When it recognized the signal a handshake is established and the base station quickly downloads all new data. That is all data that have not previously been downloaded. Alternatively, you can override this function and download the entire memory. Either way, all data are still retained in the GPS tag’s memory until manually erased by you!
If you would prefer to not have to be on the field to do this work manually, the system is also available in an automatic version. With the automatic version, you set the parameters for the base station to follow (i.e. which tags to look for, how often to look for them, whether to download them each time they are contacted or wait for some extended period of time before downloading data another time, etc.). It’s a slick system that works! Click on the contact us button at the top of this page to send us your inquiry. It works for more than just condors!