Base Station

Base Station (All products, including those with satellite upload)

Base stations are small, handheld or stationary devices that automatically communicate with all of our GPS products, even the ones with the Iridium satellite data upload capabilities.  Base stations detect your GPS devices when present and, if a handshake with the GPS device can be established, the GPS device then begins to send its GPS data to the base station.  These data can be extracted from the base station either by USB cable, or if equipped, automatically by Iridium satellite upload.

Base Station Info App

Using our Base Station Info App,  you can see which GPS devices have sent GPS data to the base station, how recently the data were sent and much more information.  Here are some of the various screens displayed in Base Station Info.

When the app finds a base station, a connection is made between the base station and your phone and the base station is listed with a green background.

Whitelisted GPS devices will show up, showing the device nickname, serial number, battery life and GPS remaining.

When you tap on any whitelisted GPS device, you will find

When you tap on a whitelisted GPS, you will see information on the last contact between GPS and base station, last Bluetooth connection, Date and time of the most recent GPS position, etc.

During a data download begins, the app will display the base station with a yellow background. A red background means the GPS is not connected.



More about the Base Station

An internal, rechargeable battery powers the base station for up to 4 days of continuous use.  The base station has a standard feature that allows you to also power it externally so that you can leave it in the field.  The external power should be anywhere from 12 – 36 volts.

The base station has an antenna for the short-range transceiver and one for the long-range transceiver. Base stations automatically download GPS data from any white listed GPS device within range.  The white list contains the transceiver addresses for all of your GPS devices.  Without being represented in the white list, a GPS device cannot automatically communicate with a base station.  However, a manual connection between the base station and the GPS device can still be achieved but only by using a laptop connected to the base station. Telemetry Solutions will white list all of your GPS devices before shipping.  You can manually add more GPS devices to your white lists whenever a GPS device is within range of the short-range transceiver.

The base station is also equipped with connection points to attach to a drone.  At 170 grams, no special drone is required.



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